Yep,finally made the trip to Keramas this morning and after 5 hours of snaps,pigdogs and cutty’s finally realised what all the hype about the place was about!!!What a set up-perfectly angled right-hand rock/sand reef breaking into a deep channel with a couple of barrle sections and an end section to cut loose on!Had a ball,mellow crowd of about 25 guys,heaps of waves,glassy till lunch-I think I might do it again tomorrow!!
Hymie hooked-up with a girlie last nite at Tai Graham’s “Black Dog” bar and went MIA,so me,W.A. charger Leif Malik[Taris’s brother]and single fin champ and friend of Burleigh-Rick Smith headed of at 5.30 this morning to beat the trade wind.After a cruisy cuppa and stretch waiting for the tide to come up we were treated to solid 4ft,with the occasional 5-6ft set,perfect right handers,picture the best Burleigh Cove you’ve ever surfed and you get the idea!!
Got a text from Joel and Benny last nite saying they sat at Desert Point for 4 hours and got 1 set wave each,very inconsistant.Haven’t heard from them yet today,I would imagine Desert’s would be breaking-Ulu’s is about 4-5 ft-but it all depends on how much of the swell is getting in,plus how heavy the crowd is.

chow Stench