Paul Fisher goes nuclear…………

Not only having to contend with melting snow coming down the streams he also has to deal with the nearby Nuclear power station ,at least it warms the water up a bit. I went on a visit there once and I asked if it was so safe why did they build it at the furthest …

Body bashing – what tha…?

Ed and Blake pulling-in Lack of surf sends groms body bashing. Last weekend (19/20 April) groms have been reported body bashing in the Burleigh shore break. Groms Hamish, Ed, Noah, Clinton, Gene, Mitch, Jake, Jacob, Sophie, Annie and Little Joshie have said that body bashing is fun, has big close-outs, hold-downs and long barrels. The reasons …

dwayne harris profile.

name;Dwayne Harris Nicknames;coney, teeth, chad, sherrif, legend,etc,etc. Age; 44 Div surf in; old fellas when i can. Place of birth; mater hospital Brisbane. Place of surf; Burleigh heads. How old 1st wave @ burleigh; 5yrs old in shorey,12 yrs old out point. Other fav spots;d-bah, nth and sth straddie, switzerland,nth wall ballina. Best comp results; …

WILBA RETURNS!!!!!O.G.B.I.-old grey bastards in Indo

Burleigh photog extrourdinaire Mark “wilba” Wilson just returned from his first trip to Indo since 1980!!!!He headed straight to Lakey Peak and instantly fell in love with the place,calling it the best waves of his life. Anyone who’s been there will know what he means!!!! He was there for 3 weeks and caught up with …

profile-nick “stench” heath

NAME-nick heath NICKNAME-stench AGE-45 DIVISION YOU SURF IN-opens and masters PLACE OF BIRTH-birmingham england PLACE OF SURF-burleigh heads FIRST WAVE AT BURLEIGH-easter 1975-12 yrs old FAVOURITE PART OF THE POINT-all of it!!!! OTHER FAVOURITE WAVES-supersuck,desert point,g-land,bingin and rottnest island. CONTEST RESULTS-heaps of top 4 places in club open and masters divisions,top 4 places in regional and …

wed 16th training

a very good turnout for training on wed surf was good fun so we all went surfing and had an expression session, won by jed for fading me on a good one, well done jed see you all next week when we will have some heat drills and some other kind of training will let …

Leaving for fiji soon-

More from the Champ and his adventures    Burleigh is breathing a sigh of relief as we have a month without “The Champ” while he is the chief of the waterpatrol at the Globe Pro in Fiji. The swearjar will be empty at home, and the point will have one less of the Burleigh crew …

heres a poem about life

(Ode To A Waterperson)   All my life I have lived for the ocean Crystal blue water in pure fluid motion To play in the sea with the dolphins and fish Since I was young has been my wish People who don’t surf don’t understand Being in the water beats the shit out of being …

a story from the sherrif

THE UPS and DOWNS of GROMMETTHOOD   In the 70’s & 80’s at Burleigh Still alive to tell the story……….!   You know, grommets these days get it so easy, back in my day it wasn’t such a cakewalk, no free boards, well sometimes, if you were one of the best, no free clothes, no …