What a strange couple of days!!!!all the charts and buoy readings were calling a decent 8ft swell,more than enough to fire-up the point the last 2 days,instead it’s been flat!!!!!Well not flat,but it might as well of been.Got a call from Joel this arvo when i was driving back from Desert’s,G-land is only 3-4ft!!!!A heap of crew arrived yesterday expecting to surf 6ft+ money trees,maybe even small speedies,but were greeted by 3ft kongs this morning!!!
Still if the swell would’ve arrived I would of hated being in bali knowing the point was firing-roll the dice!!!
The wind shear that comes off the top of Oz from the high pressure systems will actually cut the swell in half,sort of like a really strong westerly will do the same at home,there’s always tomorrow but it was looking very dismal this arvo,all the swell indicators were not showing any signs of swell,and with small waves for the next 5-7 days tomorrow wil be the last chance to surf the point this moon!!!
Joel’s in the right place tho,g-land should sit around the 4ft plus mark for the next week,so although it won’t be epic like the ’97 Quikky Pro conditions,he’ll still surf his fat arse off every day.Wartsy,Rochelle and Jakey Byrne fly in this week so i’ll hook-up with them and make a plan for the next moon.Craig Willams and his crew arrive this week as well,so if they are reading this give me a call and we’ll take the groms surfing!!!Chow Stench