Member contact details – important………..

If you have NOT recieved an email lately it may mean you need to update us. Your application form/renewal should have had one on it.

I just sent an email out and many bounced back. Its easy – just send an email to address in post below and it will be done. If you don’t have one arrange with a mate/family member.

Also you all have free laptops or mobiles  so why not get on Skype, Viber or Heytell etc. for free phone calls – it makes it so much easier for the coach/team manager to contact you.

And if your mobile just takes the number of a call you miss without letting the caller leave a message you should change it – otherwise you end up with a list of missed calls and you have no idea who they are from. We can send mass text messages but if the number is wrong that is a privacy concern.

We also have a club facebook page but not many use that. You can message this site of course – contact link above. But please – emails work best of all – if you check them.

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