
Well the triple bunger swell that everyone has been frothin on looks like a fizzer!There will definately be swell in 2 days,but only for 3-4 days max and petering out pretty quickly.All the mysto spots are outta wack with the tides,so a roadtrip might only mean a day or two of proper conditions,and no doubt a heavy crew.

Spoke to Joel today,he may hang at G-land for this swell,even tho the tides aren’t right,the head count in the water will be really low and I would expect some solid 8ft plus bombs to be hitting Moneytrees!!!!Tobes was calling he wanted to surf it big,well here’s his chance.

11So I’ll be checking the charts again tomorrow and make the call,the boys will also be coming back tomorrow as well,unless they extend their stay,chow  Stench